Our bedroom is one of the few rooms that is completely finished: painted, trim the works!
The plumbers came and we now have a fully functioning bathtub upstairs:
As well as a bathroom sink, and toilet! No door for the cabinet yet.... all in good time though.
The mud room still has the farthest to go, but we are certainly not concerned about having it all finished before we move in.
Kitchen still has a little ways to go, though we do now have a working kitchen sink, dish washer (which neither Christy nor I have ever had before), and stove.
And thanks to Mom for helping us to get some insulating windows:
So here's the exciting part. I talked to the inspector recently and he said all we have left to do before we move in is to put in a hand rail to the basement. We are pretty excited to be so close to moving into our house. I still want to finish touching up the drywall in the living and dining room and get those rooms painted before we move in. We are hoping to start moving in in a little over a week. It will be so nice to unpack. We have lots of books, pots, and other belongings that have been stored in boxes in our barn for a year and a half now. It will be great to unpack and finally settle into a house. It's been a long time living in limbo in our camper with the majority of our belongings still in boxes from our move from North Carolina. We're more than ready to settle down into a house. There are many things that still need to be worked on in the house, but just getting out of this camper before winter sets in will feel like a major accomplishment.
oh wow.. what an update, it's all looking good from here..how excellent to finally be moving in ..well done team!!
I bet it feels good- cause it sure looks great from here!
Nice to see.
Congrats on all that hard work and being almost ready to move in. Looks great.
boy this brings back memories of remodeling years... doing dishes in the bathtub, etc. good to hear there's a light at the end of the tunnel
I remember when we got water upstairs above our showroom, when Mary and I were remodeling, living in a small room in the barn and remodeling the rest of the barn, cooking and bathrooming in the travel trailer. Mary came home from work and I flushed the new toilet for her. No more walking to the travel trailer in the middle of the night to use the toilet.
Good luck with the rest.
Very cool! Although we aren't living in a camper, we are in the middle a big remodel ourselves and been without some of those kitchen comforts for a while too. (Who needs a kitchen sink?) :-P
It is more fun when you get to do most of the work your self and see your own accomplishments.
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