really curious
Well we've given up on the idea of firing the first two chambers. The whole reason for the firing is to keep our gallery stocked. There's no point in firing a kiln full of just large platters, planters, and vases. So onto smaller items. With that in mind I made some side handled teapots. I know many people have come into potteries that I have worked at in the past and not known what they were. However they are the only type of teapot that I ever use for myself in the morning. Mainly due to how comfortable they are to handle along with the ease of cleaning out tea leaves afterward.
I tried out a new spout on several of them. I've always stuck with a straight spout in the past, but I though I would give a slightly curved spout a shot.
I'm still not sure what I think of the curved spout. I still feel like the straight spout might be a keeper. It just feels simpler and more direct, which is something I always strive for in my pots. Certainly I won't give up on the curved spout after just one go (I think I made three of the spouts curved this time around), I'll keep making some of the spouts curved for a while at least. Teapots always seem tough to judge for me before they are fired. I can't help but see them as a mismatch of various pieces. They always seem to come together after they are fired though. So I'll save final judgements until then. As always though I welcome your input. Straight spout? Curved spout?
I'm for the curved spout. I also appreciate that these have nice openings for easy clean out.
I am voting for the curved spout- I like it.
That's where it starts- first they just want to watch- then next thing you know they think they know how to make a pot.
Or maybe he wants a job?
i have to vote for the straight spout, after all that's how i make them...
I dig the curved spout. I also really like the idea of a side handle. I saw a John Nealy workshop a couple of years ago and it was amazing how effective the handle worked.
i have to go with the curved spout but i'm a curvy kind of potter
I like curved one. You had a little beautiful visitor! We had a bird nest in our clay factory and they left the nest, they were so cute.
I do curved spout for my teapot, and usually it has no drip from the edge. Traditionally and historically curved spouts were chosen as good design in Japan. If you see Chinese Yixing teapots, it might give you one of the answer. But, as long as that teapot makes good tea, and has no drip from the edge, it's nice teapot no matter curved or straight. Hitomi
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