Well I thought I would share a few tidbits from the going
ons around Windy Ridge before we dive into the next firing. First of all a recent shot of our lovely home:

Notice anything missing?

Our friends Tate and Clair are taking our camper for the summer. They've
decided to take the plunge and are going to build themselves a home. They unfortunately weren't as lucky as we were and nobody is giving them a free home, so they are starting from scratch. To save a little money and time they going to be living on site.
Christy and I are quite glad to see the camper go. It was pretty
indispensable while we were building the kiln, and then working on our home. Since we moved into our house though it quickly changed from an
indispensable, practical solution, too.... well... an eye sore. All of a sudden we now have a beautiful few from inside our house:
Hmmm.... hard to really capture beautiful views with our point and shoot digital camera. You'll just have to take my word for it. Sunsets are quite a spectator event here at Windy Ridge, with front row seat just having opened up on our couch. Life is good. We've also been doing other organizing and cleaning up on the property trying to get everything looking more presentable for "
Clay in May". The place is looking less trashy every day.
In other spring time goings on.... we got our selves some new layers:

Pretty adorable. Hopefully they'll be keeping our fridge stocked with eggs in no time, or at least before it starts snowing this year.
Well evening is quickly approaching and I've got my first shift for the firing 10pm-6am. That can only mean one thing: Nap time!
I'll take some pictures of the firing as it progresses.
I hope the firing is going well. So nice of you to help your friends out by letting them use the camper. Have a great day.
Hope your firing is doing well. It's always fun to have a firing with friends. I know you are happy to have your house completed and to see the travel trailer rolling off into the sunset. That will help your friends out alot. What a nice thing to do. The layers look so sweet hope they provide ya'll with some great eggs. Good luck with the rest of the firing. Have a great weekend.
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